Jay Mandel

Jay Mandel is Your Brand Coach.

Authority vs. Responsibility: Understanding the Inertia of Leadership

This is a subtitle for your new post The status of power, contrary to what many think, is not absolute authority. Instead, it sets a relationship of responsibility between the powerful and the powerless (or significantly less powerful). You are a leader if you handle any duty, even if the responsibility is limited. Our work …

Authority vs. Responsibility: Understanding the Inertia of Leadership Read More »

Introducing The Your Brand Coach Visual Identity

[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1620310446053{padding-top: 50px !important;padding-bottom: 50px !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]It’s all about forward momentum In the fast-paced, multi-channel world of today’s brand imagery, “simple” seems like an unusual commodity for success—but the fact is, simplicity is an experiential component that consumers crave the most. According to Siegel and Gale’s World’s Simplest Brand 2018/2019 edition, the top-ranked companies Netflix, …

Introducing The Your Brand Coach Visual Identity Read More »

Work in 2020

How do you work? I now “check all the boxes” in the right column, and it only happened when I realized my previous career amounted to the meaningless checking of all the boxes in the left column. Where do you sit in your evolution?Where do you want to be?