
Introducing the Past, Present, Future Story Roadmap

Stories are conversation starters that offer insight into you as an individual, what you value, and your perception of the world. As social and emotional beings, our reality is intertwined with others, making our stories worth sharing. Our experiences might be unique, but their reoccurrence makes them relatable. Stories help you connect with your audience …

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How Scott Eddy does it: Meaning-making, forming (and nurturing) relationships, and being true to your cause!

Do you know one of those moments of intellectual urgency where ideas flow from one to another and create new ones, and you’re having so much fun that you zone out from reality? I recall one such moment when World Traveler, Business Owner, Entrepreneur, and my good friend Scott Eddy, visited my class to engage with my …

How Scott Eddy does it: Meaning-making, forming (and nurturing) relationships, and being true to your cause! Read More »

How To Write A Personal Mission Statement (A Step-By-Step Guide)

As an experiment, I asked several friends, “what do you stand for?” It was surprising how hard it was for some people to answer. According to positive psychology, to live a meaningful and fulfilling life, you must cultivate what is best within yourself. To optimize your personal and professional life, you must visualize your future …

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What Is Competence Motivation And How To Use It

You must have come across “Employee of the Month” boards in stores and workplaces that feature the best employee in a specific period. Indeed, it is a form of appreciation for the employee’s hard work. But can’t preference be given privately instead? So, why announce it to even the customers? That’s right—to motivate the other employees to work harder by triggering their competitive side.

On self reflection

When you are self-reflective, you understand yourself better. You may not notice immediate positive effects, but over time, you will begin to change gradually. It took me about 50 minutes to define my core values five years ago.Candor, Curiosity, and Collaboration. The time was right. It has taken me five years to reflect, refine, and …

On self reflection Read More »