
Navigating LinkedIn and TikTok: Two Platforms, Two Strategies, One Goal

TikTok has fundamentally changed the way content is created, shared, and consumed. Its algorithm prioritizes relevance and engagement over connections, giving every piece of content a fair shot at reaching an audience. This approach resonates deeply, particularly with younger generations who value authenticity and dynamic storytelling. Whether TikTok itself remains the dominant platform or another …

Navigating LinkedIn and TikTok: Two Platforms, Two Strategies, One Goal Read More »

How to move beyond performative segmentation and embrace authenticity

As an educator, marketing practitioner and leader of the Marketing Accountability Council, I’m noticing significant gaps in how I used to approach and teach market segmentation and the realities of our changing environment. What used to be a straightforward method of categorizing consumers based on demographics feels outdated. Read full article: