How frequently do college students blindly put in an extra effort simply due to their enthusiasm for marketing and keenness to showcase their zeal to the world?
My latest Fashion Institute of Technology course concluded right before the holiday break. During the final presentations, an idea occurred to me– although it wasn’t incredibly well thought-out, I thought I might throw it out there.
My students had done incredible work pinpointing issues that can be handled with messaging, creative, advertising and promotion, and they constructed optimizable plans.
What if we created a holiday story and used the techniques from the class to promote our work?
Thank you for this holiday gift, Brianna O’Dell and Denise Guerrero. But also, thank yourself for giving yourself the gift of not seeing work as an obligation but as a pursuit of creativity and curiosity.
As a professional marketer, I have full confidence in all of my student’s work. The businesses that receive my student’s recommendations would gain significantly if they became aware of this work.
This semester has taught me how beneficial it is to be a professor in this present moment. After being in corporate America for twenty years, learning was being pushed away from culture and advancement. Thanks to my learners, I stay connected/relevant.
I invite my students to share their ideas and presentations if you’re interested. If you work for one of the mentioned companies, please reach out, and I will connect you
The companies include Savage X Fenty, Halo Top Creamery, The Coca-Cola Company, Aerie by AEO, Inc., Gucci, Marc Jacobs, REVOLVE, Tesla, and VRChat Inc.