How to humanize your or your brand’s holiday content
Yes, it’s important to celebrate our wins. But it’s just as important, if not more, to focus on the journey. Because that is what makes us who we are.
Yes, it’s important to celebrate our wins. But it’s just as important, if not more, to focus on the journey. Because that is what makes us who we are.
Yes, it’s important to celebrate our wins. But it’s just as important, if not more, to focus on the journey. Because that is what makes us who we are.
Thought leaders and strategists rave about the multiple steps involved in setting goals. But I believe there’s a driving core central to the entire process: self-motivation. The most important thing to ensure the completion of a goal is keeping the stakeholders committed to it throughout. So how do you motivate your employees relentlessly to see …
The way we navigate our inner world – our everyday thoughts, emotions, and self-stories – is the single most important determinant of our life success. I am a big fan of Susan David, Ph.D. Other than the fact that her first name is my Mom’s name and her last name is my Dad’s, her body …
Your technical efforts won’t contribute much if not aligned with a story that connects. Most often, brands work on marketing tactics like SEO with a technical first approach– trying to trick the algorithm with their keywords and phrases. While there’s nothing wrong with that, it won’t lead to much unless you have interesting content to …
Your product or service is what you offer to the world. It is the impression you make at work, at home, and with friends. It is your secret power. It is what makes you, you. Before we proceed further, I want you to close your eyes and consider what you seek to achieve by selling …
As social beings, we generally exhibit traits that categorize us as extroverts or introverts. That distinction, however, exists at two extremes that we cannot help but notice. For instance, an introvert may be reserved with strangers or acquaintances but enthusiastic among friends. So it’s difficult to restrict individuals to rigid boundaries when our personalities are …
There is no magical way to establish yourself as a coach
Stories are conversation starters that offer insight into you as an individual, what you value, and your perception of the world. As social and emotional beings, our reality is intertwined with others, making our stories worth sharing. Our experiences might be unique, but their reoccurrence makes them relatable. Stories help you connect with your audience …
Introducing the Past, Present, Future Story Roadmap Read More »
Do you know one of those moments of intellectual urgency where ideas flow from one to another and create new ones, and you’re having so much fun that you zone out from reality? I recall one such moment when World Traveler, Business Owner, Entrepreneur, and my good friend Scott Eddy, visited my class to engage with my …